One of the Big Fat Forms (Har-khebi) [detail]
Sawdust, adhesives, sand, plaster, paper pulp, pigments, wood, metal lath, weights
Vertical form is about 9 feet tall [has since been destroyed]
A 1/3 part of a sarcophagus at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. This is a detail showing the circular, wicker-pounded-impressions riddled across the front face.
The largest component in the Blood & Thunder Classics Vol. 2 installation, and adjacent to the old, paned-windows, the glass of which I tinted a dark, cloudy, purple-blue.
The largest component in the Blood & Thunder Classics Vol. 2 installation, and adjacent to the old, paned-windows, the glass of which I tinted a dark, cloudy, purple-blue.
© Brian Taylor